Wednesday, 31 January 2018

5 common oral diseases.

Good oral hygiene does not only keep your teeth healthy in a perfect shape but also it has a significant wellness on your general well-being too. Dental illnesses have never been any fun, but the good news is that this can always be prevented. Eating healthy and visiting a dentist regularly can prevent dental illnesses and promote good health. Educating yourself about general dental illnesses and their causes also goes a long way in the prevention. Below is a list of common dental problems according to a La Mesa dentist:

1. Bad Breath

Bad breath is clinically known as halitosis which is mainly caused by poor oral hygiene habits or infections that occurs inside the mouth. Other causes include a dry mouth, systematic diseases such as diabetes and lung diseases. Halitosis can be quite embarrassing and you may be surprised that some people might be suffering from this condition and still be unaware. Brushing your teeth after every meal or even flossing might cover bad breath for a little more time and not cure it. It's therefore important to visit a doctor if you are suffering from chronic bad breath.

2. Gum disease

Severe cases of gum disease are present mainly in adults ranging from swollen gums to bleeding gums and complete tooth loss. Most of the gum diseases are caused by a condition known as gingivitis where there is plaque build-up which irritates the gum tissue on the jawline. If untreated, the gums recede from the teeth which can cause tooth loss or further bacterial infections.

3. Tooth decay

Dental cavities are mainly caused by plaque on the teeth which produces an acid that destroys the tooth enamel. This can easily be avoided by brushing, flossing daily and also visiting a la mesa dentist semi-annually to check and remove any form of bacteria before it hardens to tartar. A more popular method of treating cavities is by the use of dental filling, but in severe cases, the dentist might decide to remove or cover the infected tooth with a dental crown.

4. Oral cancer

A diagnosis of oral cancer can be horrifying for an individual and his or her family. Oral cancer is quite a common disease and has serious effects if left untreated. The condition can produce a white patch or a lamp inside the mouth. Other symptoms can include loose teeth, jaw pain, and difficulty in chewing and swallowing food among others. The main cause of oral cancer is tobacco, alcohol and HPV viruses. Regular dental visits can help you catch the disease early as it's always included in the checkup so that you can immediately begin treatment.

5. Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity which is also known as hypersensitivity affects the roots and exposed root surfaces. It occurs when the enamel of the tooth gets thinner and when gum recession occurs. If the food is either too hot or cold, it makes the teeth too painful and sensitive to eat or drink.

The above oral diseases can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene, but any individual who is suffering from one can still on regular dental screening according to a La Mesa dentist and ensure that they stay healthy from one visit to the next.

Source: Click here

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Popular In-office teeth whitening brands.

In most cases, even if you brush your teeth at least two times and you floss daily you might notice that your teeth might begin to yellow and lose its sparkle over time. Excellent oral hygiene might be a very efficient way for the care of your teeth, but factors such as aging, medication, drinks and personal habits such as smoking of tobacco can greatly contribute to teeth yellowing and discoloration. If you have thoroughly done your research and made a decision that you would like to bring the sparkle back, you might already know that professional teeth whitening la mesa can be costly much more expensive than home alternatives. However, in-office teeth whitening which is also known as teeth bleaching is a more efficient and reliable way than any other method.Whitening is considered to be among the most popular whitening cosmetic dentistry procedures which needs to be repeated over and over to maintain the brighter color. In-office care always produces a more dramatic result, and the dentist of your choice will use the help of a whitening gel with a high concentration of peroxide. In less than an hour time, the applied gel will break down the bonds within stained molecules which will automatically give you whiter teeth. Dentists who undertake you through the whole procedure of teeth whitening La Mesa will use lasers or specially designed lights to achieve more desirable results. Below are some of the most popular teeth whitening brands:

1. Phillip Zoom

This is one of the most popular brands used as an in-office teeth whitening remedy. It uses whitening gel with a 25% concentration of peroxide. To add to that, chairside bleaching utilizes a blue light which speeds up the whitening process. With Philip Zoom white speed, one can whiten up to eight shades in under 45 minutes. Not only will get a brighter smile but your dentist will follow up whitening with a post-treatment gel that is medically proven to reduce sensitivity and protect the tooth enamel.

2. Bright Smile

Bright Smile is strictly an in-office treatment which has a grown in popularity over the years. It uses the highest quality and concentration of teeth whitening gel allowed in the market. Just like Philip Zoom, it uses a combination of whitening gel and blue light to achieve dramatic results. The gel additionally contains 15% of peroxide to further protect your gums.


This is a relatively new option that is used to offer dramatic results with low sensitivity. It’s considered to be a gentle and safe in-office gel that produces results in under 30 minutes. Formulated with 35% of hydrogen peroxide, the gel can be used with or without the blue light.

4. Opalescence

Opalescence which is also take-home Teeth Whitening La Mesa gel is available only through a licensed dentist and is perfect for people who are in need of a customized whitening treatment as possible. It contains 40% peroxide and potassium nitrate to reduce sensitivity.

A licensed and qualified dentist will take through the procedure of teeth whitening La Mesa and choose the best gel for you. However, women should not have their teeth whitened while pregnant since the whitening material on the development of the fetus is still unknown.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Types of Oral and maxillofacial surgeries.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery are several types of conditions that affecting the face, mouth and jaw. Oral surgery El Cajon is not limited to your dentist office but can also be carried out in the operating room of a hospital and the procedures can run from simple to extremely complex surgeries to improve the condition of a patient. To become an expert in oral and maxillofacial surgeon an addition of 4 years of training is required after graduating from a dental school. However, all qualified dentists have received extensive training in the administration of anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The surgical offices should be well equipped with the latest technology to put you to sleep and carry out the whole procedure. Below are conditions that might require oral surgery:

1. Temporomandibular joint disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder or simply TMJ means that the hinge connecting the upper and lower jaw is not working properly. The jaw has the most complex joint of the body which is responsible for moving the mouth in front, backward and sideways during chewing of food and talking. TMJ feels like the jaw is clicking during movements due to misalignment. However, the misalignment of the ligaments can be treated by your dentist.

2. Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth is a tooth that gets blocked when it's erupting from the root. Wisdom teeth are often impacted as they begin to grow between the age of 17 and 21.Unfortunately, they become impacted as there is no room for space left at the corners of the mouth. A wisdom tooth can struggle to come in sideways which can flap the gum in front of it becoming infected and swollen which can really hurt. The impacted tooth can lead to an infection known as peritonitis which spreads to the neck and throat if left untreated.

3. Cleft lip/palate repair

Cleft lip/palate are birth defects that occur because the mouth or lips of a baby does not properly form during the period of pregnancy. A cleft lip is an upper lip that is split which is formed by the tissue of the mouth to join before the 4-7 weeks of pregnancy. A cleft palate occurs when the tissue that makes up the roof of the mouth does not join together and it's underdeveloped. A cleft palate is considered to be a more serious case than cleft lip and both require oral surgery in order to be corrected.

4. Tooth Injury

A tooth injury often during playing sports is not always limited to the crown of the tooth but also the root. A blow at the wrong angle can bring injury to your teeth and cause a fractured root. The crack can travel in the direction of the tooth's chewing surface and an infection can develop. Sport-related tooth injury has a potential to cause long-term dental effects if it fails to receive immediate attention.

Preparing for a recovery is just as important as preparing for the Oral Surgery el cajon. It's also helpful to talk to your dentist about the medication you are going to take so that you can stock it up before the surgery.

Source: Click here

Friday, 12 January 2018

Children Oral Care.

Proper oral hygiene should be practiced at all times in as much as the health of primary teeth of a child is concerned. Pediatric dental care, according to dr Hagstrom ensures that your primary child teeth is healthy and is free from decay at all times. A professional pediatric dentist will provide you with tips of how to take care of your child’s teeth at home. This includes a proper way to floss and brush the teeth so as to avoid plaque buildup and plaque that might be stuck in the teeth. Another topic that may be addressed is a child eating habits and the general diet of a child. A balanced diet is necessary for your child to develop strong, decay-resistant teeth. As a general precaution, dr Hagstrom recommends that one should stay away from food that is rich in sugar and high amounts of starch. When you visit a dental clinic many of the same treatments and evaluation of adults are also available for kids and includes the following:

1. Preventive dentistry

The purpose of taking a child to the dentist is to learn about your child’s oral health and how to best care for the needs of the teeth before any problems occur. The dental exam itself is a form of prevention as the primary aim of the appointment is to detect any dental decay. The dentist will then recommend that child have the teeth cleaned which is helpful for the prevention of dental illnesses such as periodontal diseases.

2. Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning is a professional cleaning that one receives from a dentist/ hygienist to treat or prevent dental illnesses. Cleaning should be performed in every six months to prevent excessive plaque buildup. It involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the tooth and also from the pocket area between the gums and teeth. A follow-up visit might be required to ensure that the gums and teeth are getting healthier and there is no pocket depth.

3. Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of the teeth from the bone. Sometimes baby teeth don’t fall out in time to allow a permanent tooth to come out. A tooth must also be extracted when there is terrible decay that even a root canal cannot save the tooth. A tooth should also be removed if it’s crowding other teeth and there is a need for teeth alignment on the jaw. Children who are using orthodontic braces should also have their teeth extracted for the creation of space.

4. Dental Fillings

A dental filling is used to restore the teeth that are damaged by decay back to their normal shape and function. The dentist will first clean the area before filling, remove decayed tooth materials and then fill the tooth with a material such as silver, platinum and resin. This prevents further decay of the tooth and bacteria from building up.

There is a high chance that your child will fuse during the entire dental visit. However, according to Dr. Hagstrom, parents might be startled at how children can be accepting when a qualified dentist examines and gets to treat them.

source: click here

Friday, 5 January 2018

Types of cosmetic dentistry.

While traditional dentistry puts a focus on preventing, diagnosing and treatment of dental illnesses, cosmetic dentistry focuses on the general improvement of oral care which includes the appearance of the mouth, teeth and the smile. In other words, traditional dental care addresses and prevents dental problems that require necessary treatment whereas cosmetic dentistry provides the patients desired treatments that are said to be elective other than essential. Cosmetic treatments also provide restorative benefits, and the procedures are simple whereas others are complex and require a more specialized care. Below are some of the most popular services provided by a cosmetic dentist La Mesa ca.

1. Dental Bonding

Bonding is a tooth-colored material that is used to fill in tooth gaps and or improve the color of teeth. Bonding is among the easiest and least expensive cosmetic procedures. The composite resin can be shaped and polished to resemble the surrounding teeth. The resin material is also used to close spaces between teeth and make a broken tooth look longer. The dentist drills out a decayed tooth and applies composite to the tooth and sculpts it into the right shape before curing the tooth with a high-intensity form of light.

2. Bleaching

This is a popular type of cosmetic dentistry that involves the use of teeth whitening brands to get rid of stains and discolored teeth. Whitening occurs after plaque and tartar have been removed from the surface of the tooth. The tooth is then bleached to produce an even whiter shade. The bleaching agents such as opalescence are currently well buffered making teeth sensitivity more of an issue after bleaching as they contain a chemical compound such as potassium nitrate. It's therefore important to consult a cosmetic dentist La Mesa ca on the general process so as to avoid adverse effects on teeth and gums.

3. Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a branch of cosmetic dentistry that improves the shape of teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly. Crooked teeth or teeth that are improperly shaped are hard to clean, and this can cultivate the growth of bacteria which can lead to illnesses such as gingivitis and periodontal diseases. Only a qualified dentist can decide if one can benefit from orthodontics based from diagnostic tools that include a full medical check-up and the use of x-rays and photographs that will be used to create a development plan for you.

4. Dental Implants

Despite the improvement of dental care over the years, Dental implants, millions of teeth are lost every year because of dental cavities and illnesses. A dental implant is a method used to replace tooth after tooth loss. Implants provide a strong foundation for a removable replacement tooth that is used to match the natural teeth. The replaced teeth are mostly indistinguishable from the surrounding natural teeth.

5. Crowns

Crowns are used to cover a tooth to replace it to its natural shape and appearance. A crown is placed when a tooth has been broken or severely damaged by decay. A crown holds together the parts of a cracked tooth. It also used to hold a bridge in place.

Cosmetic Dentist La Mesa CA answer all your questions about the cosmetic techniques that are used to improve your smile and the general appearance of your teeth.

Source: Click here