Friday, 12 January 2018

Children Oral Care.

Proper oral hygiene should be practiced at all times in as much as the health of primary teeth of a child is concerned. Pediatric dental care, according to dr Hagstrom ensures that your primary child teeth is healthy and is free from decay at all times. A professional pediatric dentist will provide you with tips of how to take care of your child’s teeth at home. This includes a proper way to floss and brush the teeth so as to avoid plaque buildup and plaque that might be stuck in the teeth. Another topic that may be addressed is a child eating habits and the general diet of a child. A balanced diet is necessary for your child to develop strong, decay-resistant teeth. As a general precaution, dr Hagstrom recommends that one should stay away from food that is rich in sugar and high amounts of starch. When you visit a dental clinic many of the same treatments and evaluation of adults are also available for kids and includes the following:

1. Preventive dentistry

The purpose of taking a child to the dentist is to learn about your child’s oral health and how to best care for the needs of the teeth before any problems occur. The dental exam itself is a form of prevention as the primary aim of the appointment is to detect any dental decay. The dentist will then recommend that child have the teeth cleaned which is helpful for the prevention of dental illnesses such as periodontal diseases.

2. Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning is a professional cleaning that one receives from a dentist/ hygienist to treat or prevent dental illnesses. Cleaning should be performed in every six months to prevent excessive plaque buildup. It involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the tooth and also from the pocket area between the gums and teeth. A follow-up visit might be required to ensure that the gums and teeth are getting healthier and there is no pocket depth.

3. Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of the teeth from the bone. Sometimes baby teeth don’t fall out in time to allow a permanent tooth to come out. A tooth must also be extracted when there is terrible decay that even a root canal cannot save the tooth. A tooth should also be removed if it’s crowding other teeth and there is a need for teeth alignment on the jaw. Children who are using orthodontic braces should also have their teeth extracted for the creation of space.

4. Dental Fillings

A dental filling is used to restore the teeth that are damaged by decay back to their normal shape and function. The dentist will first clean the area before filling, remove decayed tooth materials and then fill the tooth with a material such as silver, platinum and resin. This prevents further decay of the tooth and bacteria from building up.

There is a high chance that your child will fuse during the entire dental visit. However, according to Dr. Hagstrom, parents might be startled at how children can be accepting when a qualified dentist examines and gets to treat them.

source: click here

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